Monday, February 25, 2019

Lucky Clovers!

Hello everyone hope you're having a great day!
Today I decided  to focus this blog on lucky clovers :D
lets get right into it.

When I first logged on and found out lucky clovers was here I freaked!
You may know I love den decorating, this month was the perfect time to get nature items.
Here is a den I decorated with a few of the items!

Most of these items such as the standing stones and giant clover patches can be a prize in the lucky clovers adventure!
Lets take a look at some of my prizes!

Here we have some of the items I got, I think they are super  cute!
What was you're favorite item?

I didn't include the large chest prize because I thought I would leave it all lucky clovers items. :)

Thank you for reading!
Happy lucky clovers ,big shout out to the Patrick squad down below. :D

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